Pep Talks from the little voice in my head.

Random thoughts I have during the day, things I'm trying to work out in my head.

Monday, December 5, 2011

When will I ever learn?

So I'm trying to get myself on a budget. I bought the starter set for the Dave Ramsey program and proceeded to not read one page. I tried to keep going on my own and paid another bill using my billpay only because I forgot that my husband's check was missing two days and I needed to push that bill out two weeks. Now I get to scrimp yet another week and I'm dreading telling my husband that I blew it again. So today I need to sit down and actually plan out how we are going to spend the next few checks so that I can go with my family to meet my uncle at the end of the month, and provide my kiddos with a Christmas. I know it's possible to become debt free, I just need to make myself sit down and plan a budget and stick to it. I can not allow myself to be lazy and continue to have bad credit. I would love to be able to rent a house in a good neighborhood, and maybe even own a house some day. It's so embarrassing when people ask where we live and I know they live somewhere much fancier than I do. I guess I just need to sit down and figure it out, I'll start by reading that book and working through the workbook that came with it. I can do this!


  1. It's hard, but you can do it. I can share my budget spreadsheet with you if you like to use electronic sheets. DR has a free one on his site:

    Also the audiobook is what we did b/c I'm a slow reader. Hang in there! And a safer neighborhood is a must--but a fancy house isn't as important. We live in a 30+ year old town house and it's just right for us (budget and size wise). (Well assuming I purge out our stuff at least twice a year)--that's an ongoing process. It's never "done".

  2. Thanks for being the first person to comment on my blog!

    I will check out that budget form, thank you. I will check in to the audio book.

    Yeah, I'd be fine with this same tiny apartment, even though it's old and not fancy, if it was just in a safer neighborhood. We had six gang-looking guys walking down our street yesterday that wouldn't move out of the way so we could drive and the night before some graffiti showed up on the garage of the house two doors down.
